Feel free to contact us on any matter - whether it's local, business, community or simply an idea to make Rangiora a better place to work and live in, we look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your support of our town.
Main Contacts
Lauren Lincoln - Secretary & Membership C0ordinator
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Ph: 022 128 0184
Karen Dugdale - Business Liaison Officer & Promotions Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Ph: 021 111 1271
Ross Ditmer - Chairperson
Email: [email protected]
Ph: 027 482 2056
If you would like to contact another member of our Management Board please visit our Management Board page.
Feel free to contact us on any matter - whether it's local, business, community or simply an idea to make Rangiora a better place to work and live in, we look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your support of our town.
Main Contacts
Lauren Lincoln - Secretary & Membership C0ordinator
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Ph: 022 128 0184
Karen Dugdale - Business Liaison Officer & Promotions Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Ph: 021 111 1271
Ross Ditmer - Chairperson
Email: [email protected]
Ph: 027 482 2056
If you would like to contact another member of our Management Board please visit our Management Board page.